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How to Stop the All-or-Nothing Mindset

With the New Year quickly approaching, have you been thinking about your fitness and nutrition goals? It's easy to fall into the all-or-nothing mindset, but did you know that this mindset can lead to burnout and discouragement? Instead of focusing on drastic changes that will only help you in the short term, let's aim for sustainable habits that will help you long after the New Year's...

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Body Confidence Talk w/ Jojo

body confidence tips Nov 26, 2021

Growing up in the dance world, I struggled with my fair share of body image issues. I was always fighting to be skinnier and strived to achieve an unattainable body for me. The idea that I couldn't be successful unless I fit into this image of a perfect dancer took over my life and had a huge impact on my confidence. These challenges are why I started Body by Jojo and made it my mission to help...

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