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How to Stop the All-or-Nothing Mindset

With the New Year quickly approaching, have you been thinking about your fitness and nutrition goals? It's easy to fall into the all-or-nothing mindset, but did you know that this mindset can lead to burnout and discouragement? Instead of focusing on drastic changes that will only help you in the short term, let's aim for sustainable habits that will help you long after the New Year's...

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How to Get Back Into Working Out

fitness fitness tips tips Oct 25, 2023

Have you been out of the workout game and struggling to get back into it? Don't worry, it happens more than you think. We've compiled useful tips to help you get back on track with your fitness routine.


Start Slow

Starting slow is essential if you've been out of the gym for a while. Don't try to jump back into your old routine right away. Start by taking 1-3 classes per week, and don't...

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Six Foods You Should be Eating to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

nutrition tips Oct 18, 2023

At Body by Jojo we encourage a balanced lifestyle through nutritious foods, exercises, daily movement and the 80/20 rule. A balanced diet is one of the most important aspects of a healthy lifestyle. Eating various nutrient-rich foods gives our body the necessary vitamins and minerals to function correctly. This blog post will discuss six foods everyone should include in their eating habits.


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Body Confidence Talk w/ Jojo

body confidence tips Nov 26, 2021

Growing up in the dance world, I struggled with my fair share of body image issues. I was always fighting to be skinnier and strived to achieve an unattainable body for me. The idea that I couldn't be successful unless I fit into this image of a perfect dancer took over my life and had a huge impact on my confidence. These challenges are why I started Body by Jojo and made it my mission to help...

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Jojo's Favourite Kitchen Items!

jojo's picks tips Nov 12, 2021

I'm no expert in the kitchen, but I've found a few kitchen tools over the years that have helped make healthy eating easier. Like most, I'm big on saving time and building healthy habits, so having a kitchen that's well equipped to assist me is so important! I've listed below a few of my favourite kitchen items to help me eat better, stay hydrated and enjoy a balanced life! 



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Busy Weekends? No time to grocery shop on Sunday? I GOT YOU!

recipes tips Oct 15, 2021

Here is how to set yourself up for a successful week of eating when you don't have time to hit the grocery store. We've all been there. You've gone away for the weekend or been running around from one event to another, and soon Sunday night hits, you have no groceries and are utterly unprepared for the week ahead. Don't panic. Let's talk it through, and I'll share some of my best tips to help...

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Tips For Thoughtful Eating This Thanksgiving

tips Oct 08, 2021

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving weekend!!!

Here is a fun fact about me - Thanksgiving is my favourite holiday. I'm not sure if it's the beautiful fall colours, the pumpkins or just the fact that there is way less pressure than Christmas since there are no gifts, but whatever it is, I genuinely look forward to Thanksgiving each year!


For those of you who don't know, I once had a struggling...

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Are rest days really important?

fitness tips Oct 01, 2021
You might have heard us say this before but rest days are KEY no matter what your goals are and here's why.
During strength training, we invoke targeted fatigue and break down muscle tissue. It is only during recovery, think proper rest, sleep, nutrition, hydration, that your body will grow and repair muscle tissue. Exercise is merely a signal, a signal that tells your body to...
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Getting Motivated To Workout

fitness tips Sep 01, 2021

It sucks when you don't feel motivated to work out. Dragging your feet, spending 10, 20 or even 30 minutes debating if you should work out, feeling like you'd rather curl up on the couch and work on your goals next year... sound familiar? Here are my tips for working out even when you aren't motivated because the truth is action comes before motivation - not the other way around.

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