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Tips to keep your steps up as the weather turns!

Uncategorized Oct 29, 2021

You know I'm constantly reminding you to get your steps in and include more walks into your day, but how can we keep up that habit as it gets colder? Please read below for our tips on how to get your steps in even when the snow falls!

1. Get the right gear! You won't want to walk very long if you are freezing cold, and I don't blame you. Instead, be prepared with the proper winter gear. I love these MEC snow pants because they are light and easy for walking. Grab a cute hat, a pair of mitts, a warm coat and your favourite podcast, and you'll be good to go!

2. Speaking of podcasts - listen to something! For me, this makes such a big difference, and I look forward to my walks because I get some time to myself to listen and learn. I have been enjoying the With Whit podcast and the  Rise and Conquer podcast. If you haven't heard yet, I recommend checking out an episode I did with Chloe Wilde on the Healthy is Hot Podcast!

3. Take a warm tea or coffee. Tea is my best friend in the winter as it helps keep me warm and my water intake up. There are some fantastic flavoured teas from Tetley. My favourite is peach ginger (no shocker there, lol), and Sheldon's is Sunshine

4. Get out into the wild! Well, maybe not the wild, but explore the parks and trails in your city if you have the time for an adventure. There is something so beautiful about a crisp winter day, and if you can discover a new trail while getting your steps in, it'll be a win-win!

5.  Habit stack. Habit stacking is an efficient method to help you implement a new habit by pairing a current one with another. For example, set a goal to complete a 15-minute walk after having a big-ass salad. 

6. Phone a friend. If you find walks a bit boring or lonely, call a friend to chat, or maybe you both can walk together and make it a little date!

7. Lastly, get a dog. It'll get you walking even when you don't want to. Just kidding, that's not a reason to get a dog, but instead, you could ask to walk your neighbour or friend's pup!

As the weather turns and the days get colder and shorter, remind yourself that movement makes you feel good!!! Motivation will come and go, but you'll always be glad you got in a workout or walk. 

I'd love to hear from you! Share your favourite ways to make walking a part of your day!




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